by garnet r. chaney
I is my personal wiki notes site. I decided to bring its home page up to modern standards during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in California.
* Bringing ,my Facebook game to a whole new level
* Trying to help Amazon affiliates make money
My wiki is a primary place where I keep track of my latest research on various issues. In the wiki, you can join the discussion and contribute to the research.
Garnet providees premium beauty shear sharpening in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Posts made directly on Facebook only build Facebook traffic, and are entirely at risk of deletion by Facebook
Making your substantial posts to your own website, keeps your content safe from deletion by Facebook glitches or algorithms.
Is there something you would like to see me write about? Please send me a suggestion in the comments below.
I am highly suggestible. Is there a topic yoou would like to see me write an article about? Please use this form to suggest things you would like me to see me add to my article library suggest things you would like me to do, suggest what I can do for you, make any suggestion at all, I am all ears.....
Click any text to edit or style it. Click blue "Gear" icon in the top right corner to hide/show buttons, text, title and change the block background. Click red "+" in the bottom right corner to add a new block. Use the top left menu to create new pages, sites and add extensions.
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