Fun With Funnels

I have been having a lot of fun learning "Click Funnels", in the One Funnel Away Challenge class with Russell Brunson.

Have you heard of "sales funnels", or "funnel websites"?  Are you curious how they can help your business? Or show you how to launch a business?  Then this article is for you.

Would you like to join me in a funnel adventure?   I have some really special bonuses for you if you do join me!

Meet my friend at right, the Horse With A Barn For Sale.  I met him, in 2019, on my "Make America Sharp Again" cross country tour of salons. My brief audience with him launched me on a new additional career, even more fun than funnels! And I had no idea at all!  It took almost a year before I realized his incredible contribution. More about that in a bit....

This class, about funnel web technology, has been very fast paced, and incredibly excited people are on stage sharing with me the latest techniques behind doing sales funnel sites.  This funnel class has been well worth the time each fairly short class takes. They have been a really great blast to the rest of my day, making me much more energetic about my businesses!

What are sales funnel sites? Here is what I learned: "Web funnel sites" are the websites, often just one page, that let you offer your incredible solutions to your ideal customers.

In the class, they are also teaching a great framework for understanding how to think about business. Even if I never build a funnel, this new understanding is priceless. This class has opened my eyes to the power of funnels to the point where I have brought on a Very Important Assistant to help me build the 7 ideas I have already seen for how to apply this. And I have built a funnel already, the class taught me exactly how. See my first funnel by clicking the button above.

Some classes just teach you a lot of facts, show you some fascinating things, but are short on application.

This class was different. This class taught me new ways to think! A class that teaches you a new way to think is the most valuable kind of class you can take. Classes like this can change your life!

What is one of the most amazing new ways of thinking I learned during the class?

Who is your ideal customer? What result are they wanting to achieve?
* Not what product are you trying to sell them
* But instead, what result are they trying to achieve?

This is a very different way to think about business. You will be furlongs ahead of the race with your competition if you learn this key new way of thinking.

That is just one example of the epiphanies I have been given during this class.

Every day I have been taking fabulous notes that I give to many of my classmates.  I have many incredible testimonials now from them about how much my class notes on funnel building are helping them..   Many of my classmates are paying for my class notes!

Selling my class notes to my classmates is a nice bonus for me! It is nice to find something I am already doing that is in demand, what the class calls a "by product". Money from something I was already going to do for myself!  Money from something I like to do for free! This is another key piece of thinking that I was taught in the class.

Would you like to take a funnel challenge with me?   I know you will learn a lot of new things for your business, for the businesses you want someday to start, and just for life in general. The price is very reasonable, and well worth the introduction to the theory, psychology, and actual practice of this fascinating technology.

The class has been very fast paced, and incredibly excited people are on stage sharing with me the latest techniques behind doing sales funnel sites.

What are sales funnel sites?  Here is what I learned: "Web funnel sites" are the websites, often just one page, that let you offer your incredible solutions to your ideal customers.

In the class, they are also teaching a great framework for understanding how to think about business. Even if I never build a funnel, this new understanding is priceless.  This class has opened my eyes to the power of funnels to the point where I have brought on a Very Important Assistant to help me build the 7 ideas I have already seen for how to apply this. And I have built a funnel already, the class taught me exactly how. See my first funnel by clicking the button above.

Some classes just teach you a lot of facts, show you some fascinating things, but are short on application.

This class was different. This class taught me new ways to think!   A class that teaches you a new way to think is the most valuable kinds of class you can take. Classes like this can change your life!

What is one of the most amazing new ways of thinking I learned during the class?

Who is your ideal customer?  What result are they wanting to achieve? 
  * Not what product are you trying to sell them
  * But instead, what result are they trying to achieve?

This is a very different way to think about business. You will be furlongs ahead of the race with your competition if you learn this key new way of thinking.

Three New Ways Of Thinking This Class Taught Me

It's All About Customer's Ideal Result 

Sure, you and I have products, and ideas for products, and we want to sell them.
But our ideal customers didn't wake up with us, or our product in mind. This class taught me to show them how my product is a key part of achieving their ideal result, now I stand out from the rest. 
This class will inspire you in the same way!

Find Byproducts Of Your Work That Serve Others

A by-product is a cool thing that comes easily out of what you are already doing. Imagine the lumber mill producing saw dust that used to be thrown away. Then a genius, like you and I, realizes how to turn that into a product!  Viola!  New industry! You and I can learn to do that too!   This class will teach you how!

Your Mission Is To Serve

I have been on this idea for at least 10 years, but this class taught me whole new ways to make this a reality.  How about this new hashtag I thought of yesterday: #ServeYourCompetion
Yes, this class led me to an incredible inspiration about exactly how to do just that.
I know you will be inspired too.
Take this class with me, let's see how it inspires you too!

Come, let's take the next One Funnel Away Challenge class together.  I know when you take this class with me, it will give you some new valuable insights.
If you accept my invitation, I will give you free access to my notes during the class! Other students will be paying at least $50 to get premium access to these notes. But I will give you no cost premium access to my amazingly detailed class notes, a special bonus you don't want to miss, if you accept my invitation to join the class.

My Very Important Assistant is working on a full offer that shares with you some of the great testimonials my classmates are giving me about the notes I am taking for the current class, and how my notes help them get so much more out of the class.

My assistant will also tell you about more amazing benefits and bonuses I am also including if you accept my invitation to join the next Funnel Class with me.

The class has been very fast paced, and incredibly excited people are on stage sharing with me the latest techniques behind doing sales funnel sites.

What are sales funnel sites?  Here is what I learned: "Web funnel sites" are the websites, often just one page, that let you offer your incredible solutions to your ideal customers.

In the class, they are also teaching a great framework for understanding how to think about business. Even if I never build a funnel, this new understanding is priceless.  This class has opened my eyes to the power of funnels to the point where I have brought on a Very Important Assistant to help me build the 7 ideas I have already seen for how to apply this. And I have built a funnel already, the class taught me exactly how. See my first funnel by clicking the button above.

Some classes just teach you a lot of facts, show you some fascinating things, but are short on application.

This class was different. This class taught me new ways to think!   A class that teaches you a new way to think is the most valuable kinds of class you can take. Classes like this can change your life!

What is one of the most amazing new ways of thinking I learned during the class?

Who is your ideal customer?  What result are they wanting to achieve? 
  * Not what product are you trying to sell them
  * But instead, what result are they trying to achieve?

This is a very different way to think about business. You will be furlongs ahead of the race with your competition if you learn this key new way of thinking.

Join The Challenge Class Starting February 8th, and get all these extras from me!

I can't wait for my VIA to finish the funnel to tell you how awesome this is. 
You should already be wanting to join. So here is my irresistible offer, here is what I am including for you when you accept my invitation and signup today.... 

Best Class On Funnels Ever!

In the current class, I met dozens of other students who have taken these classes before, and they told me this class was the best ever! 

We are learning from the leader in web funnels, Russell Brunson, who started the Click Funnels company. 

My Bonus Content

I am always adding extra things to my wiki for the members. Notes from interviews, information about my discussions with other students, related resources, etc.

You will have access to all these extras that other students only receiving my after class snapshot do not get.

Premium Class Notes Wiki Access

Join as my guest, and I will give you full access to my wiki website where you will always have my latest up to date notes. Everyone else gets my notes when the class ends, and that is it, I cant also send them updates too.  I often go back later and add more to the notes.

But you, as my guest to the next OFA Challenge, you will have this advantage of all updates too!

Only $100 to join the class, and full refund guarantee from Click Funnels. 

No risk at all for you.  If the class doesn't meet all the expectations I have given you, I want you to ask for your money back. 

But just know, I will be here for you to help you apply the material from the class. I have been helping many other students learn how to better apply what they are learning to their own businesses.

You Can Not Get Behind With My Notes!

It is easy in a long class to have life get in the way of your best intentions. During the current class, my cat Braveheart had an acute Kidney failure emergency! (Yes he is better now!). Talk about a real schedule buster!  Many of my classmates have gotten a little behind too. 

But the ones that have my notes, they are all writing to me about how my notes help them get caught up!    So do not worry about falling behind, my notes are your secret weapon that I guarantee will help you keep up with the class!

Free Testing and Critique Of Your Homework Funnel

Very special bonus for you!  If you carry out the homework, and build a funnel as the class teaches you, we can personally chat as I review your funnel with you.

And, if you can't figure out how to started, I will have a 30 minute consultation to help you get an idea how to apply this class to your business, or to your dream!

You can not lose with my support!

But Garnet... My Business is So Unique!
I don't see how this class will work for my business....

The teacher of this class, Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, really cares about the students.  He personally mentioned at the start of several classes how he looks over the student comments each day, to see what the most common comments are, more about that in a second...

Do I mention that over 4500 people joined for the class I am just completing?   And of that number, more than 1,500 people were making time in their busy schedules, to watch the morning class live?   Way over a 1000 people, all just as busy as you and I, making time every day to attend the class live! 

How many people in this class are your competitors?   With that big of a group, doing these classes, month after month, and many of my classmates said this was the best class ever, it is very likely one of your competitors has taken this class, or the next class. You do not want to skip the chance to learn what your competitors are learning. 

You want to be ahead of competition, by taking this next class.   Knowledge is power!  Taking this next class will give you much more of both.

Back to Russell really caring about what the students are saying. Can you guess what he says is the most common comment in the first few days?

Students in the first two days often say, "Russell, I am an (affiliate marketer / hardware store owner selling drills / someone selling widgets / someone providing a unique service / a chiropractor selling body pillows), and I don't see how to apply what you are saying to my business. "

I've seen the live stream comments.  Bunches and bunches of affiliate people asking this.  Many different people have joined my class notes group, and I have spoken with them when they have the same problem at the start.  

What does Russell say to us?  What is Russell's answer to this important question that is on everyone's mind in the first day or two;  "Will This Work For Me?"

Russell says, "Stick with the class.  Over the next few days, the classes are designed to show you the frameworks, the system, and will cover more and more types of businesses.  Just stick with the class.'

And you know what?  Hundreds, and hundreds, of people, busy and unique, just like you and me, stick with the class and keep coming back, day after day to learn the answers! 

The number of people sticking with the class is incredible.  There is live help every day for two hours to answer class questions.   Listening to the answers for other peoples businesses, if you listen to enough of them, something will spark your own imagination! 

Russell guarantees it!   And so do I!

i have spoke with many of the people loving my notes, who had questions on how to apply our learning. And i have shown all of them how to apply what we learned in class to their businesses. Often by just reminding them of a couple of key things here, or something important there, or realizing their question was something really simple that where I knew the answer.

But Garnet, I am just sooo busy... 
Yes, I felt that way too... 

I was incredibly hesitant to add the current class to my schedule.  But guess what? 
After all the time i spent in the last month, I  just signed up for the next class too.... 

A friend just told me he was really intrigued, and was thinking about joining.  But three friends have told me how busy they are, and moving forward with their projects.....

Yes, I know that being too busy feeling all too well.  I am swamped with a task list that seems to grows by two items for every one item I finish!

If you feel like you are too busy, there are some alternative ways to make it easy for you to find the time to join the class with me:

*  If you can find about 30-40 minutes a day to sacrifice during 5 days, over the course of 4 weeks, to listen to the daily classes, or binge watch on the weekend, I know you would get a lot out of the class.

         *  Can you spare any time during these activities:  What about in the car?   While standing line?   Listen while in your shower?

         *  Even if you don't do anything more than a few minutes of thought experiment with the homework assignments, the epiphanies you get will be well worth the investment! they have certainly been worth it for me, eventhough I may have heard 30% or more of this already from my top-shelf mentors such as Mark Joyner, Eric Graham, Brendan Burchard, and others.

          *  The current One Funnel Away 30 Day Challenge class really helped me realize solutions to problems and whole new markets, on things I have went back and forth on coaching calls with some of my mentors for almost a year.  This class taught me new ways to answer my own business questions, even better than somehow expecting my mentors to magically figure out my business for me.  This class will give you great epiphanies than only you can get about your business!

* There is also the option to watch, or just listen, the more condensed homework assignment implementation videos which are less than 15 min each, and glance over the "OnePagers" which help you do each days assignment.  You will see them all listed in my notes for each day.

* And if you prefer to read, you get to read the bonus of my wiki notes to follow along each day. Only watch the classes that intrigue from the notes. Only scanning the notes each day brings the time investment possibly under 5 minutes a day..... (Warning: The timestamps I put in my notes will likely tempt you to fast forward into the videos and at least catch a little bit some days.)

So what I am I saying?  Am I asking you for some really laborious new thing to put in your schedule.

No. What I am saying is this.   I am offering, when you to join me, to take advantage of:

  * A pack of 20 motivational movie tickets for $5 each?   With full money-back guarantee!  When did a friend ever suggest a series of shows that would give your money back at the end if it totally flopped for you?

  * With free "throne visit" sized summaries?
        * Yes, I guarantee just reading my notes, or printing out the OnePagers, to look at during formerly wasted "mere moments during the day", it will let you reclaim that time and get a spectacular boost!

Seriously, this is what we call in the biz, an "Irresistible Offer", or an"IQ Test Offer".   I know you are much too smart, you are curious, you need this opportunity!

You already saw my list of special free bonuses when you signup.  Let me recap from Russell Brunson, what he is promising you, if you take this class with me:

Join This Class With Me

Recap: 30 days of coaching from Russell - His high energy is totally infectious! Better than any caffeine!

Live Coaching Wtih Russell's Implementation Coaches - I guarantee they can answer any question about your homework! I have seen them do it!  Available live every class day!

OFA Challenge Facebook Group - An awesome connection to everything.

"30 Days" eBook - Fabulous advice from 30 different  people whose sales funnels made them at least $1,000,000 each, how they would spend their first 30 days if they had to start over from scratch.  This alone is worth the price of admission.

"30 Day Interviews" - Hear exactly what they said.

"And that's all I have to say about that."  Forrest would see this as a great deal and join. You should too!

We will have a lot of fun together!

Class starts soon. Join today.

Join My Mailing List About Future Challenges

It is really much better to join the next challenge class with me.  But if you really need to wait for a future class date, will you please join my mailing list so I can send you more information about joining an upcoming challenge with me?

The class has been very fast paced, and incredibly excited people are on stage sharing with me the latest techniques behind doing sales funnel sites.

What are sales funnel sites?  Here is what I learned: "Web funnel sites" are the websites, often just one page, that let you offer your incredible solutions to your ideal customers.

In the class, they are also teaching a great framework for understanding how to think about business. Even if I never build a funnel, this new understanding is priceless.  This class has opened my eyes to the power of funnels to the point where I have brought on a Very Important Assistant to help me build the 7 ideas I have already seen for how to apply this. And I have built a funnel already, the class taught me exactly how. See my first funnel by clicking the button above.

Some classes just teach you a lot of facts, show you some fascinating things, but are short on application.

This class was different. This class taught me new ways to think!   A class that teaches you a new way to think is the most valuable kinds of class you can take. Classes like this can change your life!

What is one of the most amazing new ways of thinking I learned during the class?

Who is your ideal customer?  What result are they wanting to achieve? 
  * Not what product are you trying to sell them
  * But instead, what result are they trying to achieve?

This is a very different way to think about business. You will be furlongs ahead of the race with your competition if you learn this key new way of thinking.

About the pictures on this page: Yes, these are all my pictures. The Golden Gate Bridge as shown from the south west of the bridge, the "Horse With A Barn For Sale", and Mare Island Drawbridge below, are all examples of my photography work.

I had no idea that meeting that horse, with a barn for sale, would be part of my launch into an additional career as a licensed drone pilot, videographer, and photographer. At right, you can see two of my new friends, Sandy and Charles who loved and absolutely wanted a picture of my horse friend, and an aerial view of their home.

Want to see more of my adventures?  And own beautiful prints for your home and office?  Check out these two new sites I made recently. Inspiration you will get from free admission to browsing my new online galleries is my entirely free gift to you!

Get Prints Of My Beautiful Aerial Photography

One of my online stores is at Pic-Fair. You can buy some of the most popular scenes, and even license your own use of the pictures.

Pic-Time offers an incredible set of inspirational and motivational sayings available as stunning wall art. Also wallet sized prints available for sharing.

P.S. The Horse With A Barn For Sale, he too says you should take the next challenge class with me. Let's learn a new way how to make money to buy his barn!