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My friend Alison Hill wrote:

Note to self: avoid commenting on Facebook pages unless it’s something that really matters or it’s on someone’s page you know irl. Some people are astoundingly smug and self righteous, including those who spout hatred about religion for whatever reason. They seem fanatical in their bitterness and obviously haven’t found peace themselves in any form. There’s no reasoning with this type. They complain about being lectured to and then proceed to lecture everyone else about their beliefs or rather non-beliefs.

There’s one universal truth: none of us knows everything. And if you can admit that in actual fact you don’t know very much about anything at all, least of all the meaning of life and nature of God, and become humble, then maybe we can start sorting out some problems in the world. And just to irk the secular mob (chill out, I’m just kidding) here’s a great quote from a very famous book: “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3–4

Until we can learn to listen and realize we’re not always right and oftentimes don’t know very much at all (even those who think they’re brilliant) then it’s just bickering.

Scrooge sums it up nicely here:

Original post:

Here was my response

Similar things could be said about math. How much math do any of us really know? Why should anyone correct someone else’s mah errors?

Unfortunately carried a little further among woke educators, and prioritization of whatever the current definition of “social Justice” is, and you end up with an utter failure to teach any mathematical skill.

Mathematics exists to remind us that there are actual single correct answers to questions, that don’t depend upon how we feel, our own experience.

The spiritual realm is much the same. It is actually incredibly orderly and well defined. Our own denial or acceptance doesn’t change fundamental spiritual truths one bit.

Mathematics is consistent and logical because it is built upon a foundation of fundamental principles called axioms.

Spirituality and religion can be similarly orderly and trustworthy if one is honest about the foundations chosen, and works hard to be consistent with those foundations.

A friend likes to put forth statements of “truth” based on Carl Jung. These statements often provoke me to have an allergic reaction, because they just don’t jive with the Biblical foundation I try to follow. My first reaction is often just a bad aftertaste, and I have to carefully consider why am I having this reaction. After a lot of thought, I can often track down some ideas why the statement is actually quite opposed to Biblically based spirituality.

And this is not surprising. Carl Jung, and most psychologists of his generation, were part of the effort to replace traditional Judeo Christian definitions of God and spirituality and religion with their own man made rationalism and materialism. They also wanted to deny the fundamental truth of the existence of sin that is central to the Bible story, and man’s need of a Savior. The Bible is extremely clear that stuff is nonsense with God. There is no way to sugar coat that condemnation that the Bible gave of man made psychology, centuries before its current inventions.

If we can learn to allow others their own foundations, and conclusions based on those foundations that are inconsistent with our own, that is probably the start of better understanding. If one can put forth their disagreement with those conclusions in a kind and well reasoned way, that is probably much better than the bickering, or worse, that usually happens.

are_there_universal_spiritual_truths.1699723328.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/11 17:22 by thegarnet