====== Youtube Issues ====== Can you replace videos already on youtube? * How To Edit YouTube Videos Without Losing Views! (Replace YouTube Videos, Re-Upload YouTube Videos?) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=432bCAXPx3Q * You can not. To avoid losing views and engagement, you can only edit the video within youtube which involves deleting sections, or trim the beginning or the end, blur effects, change music ===== Youtube Video Intros ===== * Boosting Channel Recognition using new intro videos * https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/boost-your-channels-recognition-using/ * **This is dated April 30, 2014** * **NOTE:** Nothing on this page tells that this is discontinued. But the next article says: //It was discontinued in 2015, with Google forcing creators to either remove the intros or have them merged with their videos forever.// * How to Add an Intro to a YouTube Video as the Perfect Visual Signature - https://invideo.io/blog/how-to-add-intro-to-youtube-video/ * Questions covered: * 1. Why is it Important to Make an Attention-Grabbing YouTube Intro? * 2. Essential elements every YouTube intro should have * branding, duration, text, music, quality * 3. How to add an Intro to a YouTube video? * Important: * You can no longer add an intro to your video using YouTube Studio. * You must add the intro before uploading * Suggests using a tool called InVideo which offers premade templates ===== YouTube Cards ===== * https://www.google.com/search?q=what+are+youtube+cards * YouTube cards are the interactive cards you see in YouTube videos (usually at the end) that let creators share clickable links to relevant content throughout a video. You can add up to five cards to each video and you can use cards in any video including TrueView Ad Campaign videos. ===== YouTube Chapters - Sectioning a video ===== * Introducing YouTube Chapters - Add Sections to your Video Playback (Tutorial)! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QHcBP-rovs * shows a list of chapters ===== How to trim and delete video sections ===== * How to delete sections from your existing YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibhgh7xyWNk * How to EDIT a YouTube video AFTER publishing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgUjuneD4LY * How to edit a YouTube video after your have published and released it publicly! The YouTube Studio editor allows your to trim the start or end, or even remove entire sections of your videos. * If you have released a video and want to trim, cut, change or edit it, this is an easy was to do it without losing any of your views, stats or data. * Shows how to: * Find the editor window * Using the trim button to remove sections of the video * Remember that trimming parts out will change all the timestamps * Key to editing is zoom - 5 levels of zoom * Trimming off the end of the video * Use preview button, then save - and it will save all the edits - may take 2 - 3 hours to post the edits * Trimming in the middle of a video * Using the split button * the greyed out area will be removed * Garnet's hint: You may want to get in the habit of leaving natural gaps in your videos, instead of speaking too fast