====== Free Offers for Web Hosting ====== * kudo hosting suddenly shut doors with only two days notice to users to get their data downloaded on Dec 19, 2019. 20 VPS providers did this at the same time. * An review/advert advertorial for kudo hosting: https://lowendbox.com/blog/kudohosting-3gb-ram-vps-for-19-year-in-los-angeles-alpha-reseller-hosting-offers-inside/ Amazon Web Services * [[:web development:free offers for web hosting:aws free services]] - 1 year free web server in the cloud - 1 vcpu, 512MB of memory. * This is the bare minimum memory to run Windows 2019 server in, probably without graphical RDS environment, and it might not install properly in that tight of space Microsoft Azure * Similar offer to Amazons, web server for a year with a microsoft operating system on it. Free services provided with it: [[https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/free/free-account-faq/|Free account faq]] * Start [[https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/search/?&ef_id=CjwKCAiAxeX_BRASEiwAc1Qdke-UTp6pEA1isgX-hSPxtQTEFxr2BkKb7Z1bX89MeL5z3KqZDUdEaBoCZz0QAvD_BwE:G:s&OCID=AID2100131_SEM_CjwKCAiAxeX_BRASEiwAc1Qdke-UTp6pEA1isgX-hSPxtQTEFxr2BkKb7Z1bX89MeL5z3KqZDUdEaBoCZz0QAvD_BwE:G:s&gclid=CjwKCAiAxeX_BRASEiwAc1Qdke-UTp6pEA1isgX-hSPxtQTEFxr2BkKb7Z1bX89MeL5z3KqZDUdEaBoCZz0QAvD_BwE|link]] * Microsoft Calculator - [[https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/pricing/calculator/#virtual-machines|calculator]] * INSTANCE: B1MS: 1 Core, 2 GB RAM, 4 GB Temporary storage, US$0.0185/hour - with 64GB P6 Premium SSD * $21.02 pay as go, plus $10.21 in storage - $31.23 a month * 1 year reserved drops CPU to $10.21 - $23.71 a month * * What happens at the end of the one year with Azure: It becomes pay as you go. [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cost-management-billing/manage/avoid-charges-free-account|link]] * Windows server 2019 * ebay has $60 copies: Windows 2019 Standard - 64 bit DVD, product key 16 core * Note on drives: [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/get-started-19/sys-reqs-19|link]] - Computers that run Windows Server 2019 must include a storage adapter that is compliant with the PCI Express architecture specification. Persistent storage devices on servers classified as hard disk drives must not be PATA. Windows Server 2019 does not allow ATA/PATA/IDE/EIDE for boot, page, or data drives. * 180 days evaluation - [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/evaluate-windows-server-2019?filetype=ISO|link]] available as ISO / Azure / VHD * Windows Server 2016 Essentials - 180 day trial - seems to upgrade an existing OS. Only available as ISO SQL Server downloads - [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads|link]] Free Windows 10 Enterprise development environment [[https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/|link]] - 20GB, about 60 days for tryout, expires 3/14/21.