====== High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) ====== * [[https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/free-mcdougall-program/|Dr. McDougall Free Program]] ===== Advice from a Nurse Practitioner with Biblical Health Techniques Emphasis ===== More water - but not so much * 10 glass a day - 8 ozs * 16 ounces in the morning is critical because going so long without drinking * urinating a couple times a day with clear pee is enough. My idea of every hour or two is too much. * hormone to maintain water in the blood stream, from the pituitary - don't use too much salt, it abuses this hormone * diabetes insipidous - always thirsty - I am not having this problem * washing out a lot of potassium - can be bad. * enough water. * omega 3 is helpful - flaxseed, chia seed - put with water when drinking - Fernell water - chia seed swells up like jello * cholesterol story - is not definitive - might have high cholesterol floating in blood - plaque only happens because a lot of damage * LDL is called to fix the damage - builds up. It is our friend trying to prevent blood clot from happening * lifestyle cause needs to be fixed or the problems get beyond what it can repair * spirit of prophecy says cayenne may be irritative - temporary - a normal person shouldn't need cayenne pepper - maybe as an adjunct therapy * possibly cinnamon for blood sugar causing triglycerides to shoot up * always recommend - warm shower 3 minutes, cold for 30 seconds is enough full cold down to 50 degrees - 3 or 4 warm/cold cycles Sleep helps heal all the damage of life. * ministry of healing - 7 to 8 hours uninterrupted is best * naps doesn't work as well with melatonin cycle, one interrupted sleep period is better