===== Programming articles: ===== * [[.:CAD-CAM Programming:]] * [[Thoughts On Themes 2019]] * [[What is the mission - Don’t let writing cool software distract you from your real mission]] * [[How To Display A Configuration File Version Number In A Razor Pages .NET Core Web App]] * [https://blog.usejournal.com/5-net-blogs-for-c-developers-to-follow-in-2019-2b4af10927ae 5 important c# blogs] * Free webservers from Amazon AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/free/webapps/ * Real cool multiplayer online game - Second Galaxy - https://m.facebook.com/secondgalaxy/ ===== Adobe Animate ===== * How to create an animated button that launches the system web browser in Adobe Animate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INs4Ss48W9g Need to watch: * Simple website design using Adobe Animate Creative Cloud - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z5l6ebnztU ===== Decrypting code ===== 2016 - https://www.evilsocket.net/2016/04/18/how-i-defeated-an-obfuscated-and-anti-tamper-apk-with-some-python-and-a-home-made-smali-emulator/ ===== Philosophy of programming ===== * [[https://www.computerworld.com/article/2570325/app-development-scratching-that-programming-itch.html|Scratching that programming itch]] - looked up for context for a response on [[editorials:Balancing time in product creation vs. scratching an itch]] ===== Programming a wiki ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et8m8BPx8jI|Building a wiki in .NET Core, stream of what developer is doing while programming - April 14, 2018]] - Very chatty, not as focused as a written tutorial. * 2019/5/26 Code repository - https://github.com/csharpfritz/CoreWiki * Last update 11 monthsa ago, some updates 4 months ago. * Got an error when downloaded and tried to run. It got a compile error. A wwwroot/lib directory is missing. * Does not support a full wikitext. Has feature supported to make links out of camel cased names . https://github.com/csharpfritz/CoreWiki/issues/38 * Other videos by csharpfritz * This is in series fro Corewiki, but is just him rambling on wtih Kathleen Dollard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mS08szgpJM&t=0s ===== HTML On Razor Pages ===== * Google query: * html checkbox. * html button * razor pages button * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g__b2J7WYzQ Video of multiple buttons on an ASP.NET page] ===== Doing a login function on an ASP.NET core project ===== ==== Google queries for .NET Core login tutorials ==== * razor pages access password ==== Articles about Razor Page Login ==== * [https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/asp-net-core-razor-pages-simple-login-using-entity-framework-database-first-app/ ASP.NET Core Razor Pages - Simple Login Using Entity Framework Database First Approach] * Start with creating its own database for the project (using a stored procedure) * [http://future-shock.net/blog/post/creating-a-simple-login-in-asp.net-core-2-using-authentication-and-authorization-not-identity Project to make a fixed username and password for login in ASP.NET Core 2 using Authentication and Authorization (NOT Identity)] * Really minimal login/logout * [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/identity?view=aspnetcore-2.2&tabs=visual-studio Introduction to Identity on ASP.NET Core] * Allows for external login providers such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft Account and Twitter * Can be configured using SQL Server database * Using identity to register, login in, and log out a user. * [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authorization/secure-data?view=aspnetcore-2.2 Create an ASP.NET Core app with user data protected by authorization] * Sample app is a contact list created by users * This tutorial shows how to create an ASP.NET Core web app with user data protected by authorization. It displays a list of contacts that authenticated (registered) users have created. There are three security groups: * Registered users can view all the approved data and can edit/delete their own data. * Managers can approve or reject contact data. Only approved contacts are visible to users. * Administrators can approve/reject and edit/delete any data.